Bed & Breakfust
Guided Walks

Guided Walks


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Aux Sources de Lugus


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Guided walks
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Museum Roman gallo of St romain en Gal 

In 30Km

From Tuesday till Sunday
From 10 am till 6 pm
In 30 km in the South of Lyon, on the right bank of the Rhône, the archeological site of Saint-Romain-en-Gal - Vienna offers on more than three hectares the vestiges of a district of the Roman city of Vienna.

In the Antiquity, Vienna, capital of a vast territory covering Dauphiné and Savoy, extended on each side of the Rhône.

Today, the archeological site and the museum of Saint-Romain-en-Gal transport the visitor 2000 years ago, in one of the richest cities of the Roman Gaul.
Musée Gallo romain de St Romain en Gal

In 33Km

The museum of the Fine arts and Archaeology of the square Miremont is opened to the public since 1895. It is the mayor of Vienna Teyssière of Miremont that, in 1823, built the corn exchange and gave its name to the square which surrounds it. This building was heightened in the 1890s with the aim of welcoming the museum and the municipal library. It presents archaeological collections (of the Neolithic at the end of the antiquity, earthenwares, paintings, weapons and Dauphiné furniture. This presentation evokes the atmosphere of the museums of the end of the XIXth century.

 Musée des beaux arts Miremont
 Museum of the "DRAPERE"

In 30Km
 In the ancient barracks Saint Germain, the museum of the Drapery presents two centuries of textile activity in Vienna. The visitor discovers the stages of the processing of the wool gross or recycled in sheet through the collection of machines presented in an atmosphere which calls back that of the Viennese factories. Samples of woolen sheet since the end of the XIXth century allow to estimate the Viennese production up to the closure of the last factory in 1987.  draperie

  Museum House of the Radio T.S.F.  St Appolinard

à 4Km

Opened on Saturdays, Sundays holidays from 10 am till 12 am and from 3 pm till 7 pm of April at the end of November.
In week and other months of the year by appointment.
Information: Tel museum / Fax: 04 74 48 30 38

Created by two passionate persons of the history of the radiotelephony, René Mallet, engineer in retired industrial electricity and Jean Giraud, redeemed joiner, respectively President and Vice-president of the association of the Museum of the Radio TSF.
Lovingly and helped by their families, they shaped this charming place finally opened to the public since May 25th, 1997. Already more than five thousand visitors were lucky to discover the exhibition about 350 posts to galène and to lamps of the 1920s in 1960.
 Musée Maison de la Radio T.S.F.

© Chambre d'Hôte du Pilat - Aux sources de Lugus - 14 chemin de la Bichette Véranne